Thursday, June 26, 2008

Humanity is still quite primitave...

Yes, it's true. We have made "great advances" but humanity is still quite primitive. Here we are "Mastering technology" when we are still trapped on this rock. The next Renaissance of humanity will not occur until we achieve interplanetary habitation. No, not travel, but habitation.

We live on a planet of limited resources. We are (if we haven't already) approaching critical mass population. There are those among the power elite that feel that the human population is far to great for continued stability. The popular thought amongst these people is that the solution is population control.

Sure, we could control the population. If humanity suddenly decreased by 50% everyone left would enjoy a much better standard of living.

It would merely be a short term solution.

Through combined human effort (if we can ever achieve such a thing) we could easily colonize at least one planet in this solar system. Within the next 20 years, we will have the astrophysical, technical, and medical technology to traverse beyond the solar system.

Sure, you can think now, "Hey, even with current technology, it would take years to even reach Alpha Centauri."

The advent of and proper use of nanotechnology will mean vastly extended lifespans for humans. Furthermore, with the exponential advancement of technology, it is feasible that we will be able to place a human being in a comatose/hibernative state safely for a long enough period of time that the psychological and psychological effects of long distance space travel can be avoided.

The problem in achieving this goal is lack of global unity.

There is great division amongst the human species, and for now at least, for good reason.

Most of the people that have power amongst human society are not thinking much far beyond their own sustenance. They are concerned with their own comfort, and being able to provide solely for their own progeny.

"The Japan That Can Say No" Should have been a wake up call for the western power elite who have ruled the Earth for so long. Some say it was. However, China, Japan, and several pacific nations continue to exert their strength upon the world economy.

As a westerner myself, I see the short term problems this will create for me and our people. However, despite that, this is not my greatest concern.

Possibly because of the exponential advancement of technology, humanity as a whole has become incredibly short sighted. We still struggle against each other for the simple resources that this planet provides for us all.

If we get too caught up in the struggle for what is here on this planet, we will never achieve what we must accomplish in order to survive through the life of the universe, or even this solar system.

At this point in human existence, we are in serious danger of extinction.

It may not happen in you the readers timeline, but perhaps in the next few generations, we will reach a point where we have so exhausted our resources here on Earth that we are unable to escape it.

If humanity is to persevere, we MUST eventually escape our cradle.

The Universe is vast. We are a mere quark in the body of the Universe. If we plan to thrive beyond the life of this planet, we need to take action now.

With our knowledge, technology, and well for a lack of a better term, survival instinct, we have the means TODAY to expand humanity beyond this planet.

Without global cooperation though, this goal will never be achieved.

Yes, many humans and many human societies have vastly different views. Many societies are diametrically opposed to the societal views of other societies on this planet.

However, if we all work together now, in order to reach beyond this world, those societies will be able to live independently, creating their own world where all on their planet share their views.

Yes, I know, that eventually there will be schism, even on future worlds should we succeed in reaching that far. In fact I count on it. It will only further human expansion in the universe.

The bottom line is that in order for humanity to survive, we must expand beyond this world. The only way we can achieve this is to work collectively, with a common goal, in order to achieve interplanetary travel and colonization.

We are very close to critical mass. We still at this point have the resources to achieve this most critical goal. If we don't unite in this goal soon though, we will be trapped here on this world, and suffer eventual extinction.

It is the perfect solution to "global conflict". Working together to reach a point where we can escape each other.

Humanity was meant to reach beyond this world. All of our current achievements have been preparing us for this needed eventuality.

I don't know how to unite the world in this goal. I hope by simply expressing the need for this way of thinking that it will spread, grow, and eventually mature to a societal view.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

- Mark Twain

Long live the human race!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MASSIVE T-Mobile Service interuption

Tuesday, June 24 7:10 PM Los Angeles:

Cellular provider T-Mobile is now three hours into a NATIONWIDE service outage. T-Mobile customers all across the country are unable to make or receive calls. Customer Service lines are backlogged, and even in store reps have been told to expect at least an hour wait to get through.

After finally getting through to a T-Mobile rep, they had the following to say:

"We still don't know what has happened. (It) could be a satellite, or even a terrestrial systems failure. All we know right now is that almost ALL of our customers in the United States are without service." They went on to say that they have over 1000 technicians working on the problem, and hope to have service back up and running within the next 24 hours (although the rep said it could take longer).

Although no official statement has been made, ALL T-Mobile customers should ask to be compensated for the service outage. If you ask for it, they will give it to you. However, if you do NOT ask for it, it is likely you will see nothing.

Wow... how about that... in the time it took me to write this, the service is back up.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Beast With A Billion Backs Preview!!!

Coming soon to a DVD near you! This next installment of the Futurama movie series begins where "Bender's Big Score" leaves off. The tear in the universe is causing all kinds of problems, and of course hilarity ensues. Guest stars in the film include Stephen Hawking, and David Cross. Here's a little peek at the new film scheduled to release some time this year.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Waste endorses Wiggum!!!

We here at Waste have thought about it long and hard, weighed all the issues, and have finally decided Wiggum is the candidate for us!

Visit to join the team!*

*website coming soon

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If only one of these people stopped to waste time...

Now see? This is just why I tell you to waste time... See, if these crazed NYC commuters weren't so obsessed with efficiency, and getting there just 2 seconds before you, they would not have gotten themselves in this situation.

I bet Hand Fart guy is in the car behind them, laughing while playing along with "Freebird" on the car stereo.

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Hand Fart Symphony: Yakety Sax (Benny Hill Theme)

Don't call it a comeback! He's no one trick pony... here he is again, everyone's favorite hand fart musician.... how does he do it? We are truly not worthy.

Thanks to Vic for finding this one.

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Hand Fart Symphony: Take on Me

Ok, I waste quite a bit of time scouring the web for entertainment, but this guy, wow. He must truly be the king of slack... or at least the duke.

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